Toshi Uchikawa


【月会費制】1,100円/月  運営:カテナシア 動画配信:UTA

有料:1,100円(税込)/ 月










UTA(Umpire Training Association)は、野球審判技術のレクチャーや講習会、技術動画配信、審判用具の販売等を通じて、審判という職業への啓蒙、魅力の普及に努めてまいります。また、アメリカや日本のプロやアマをはじめとする公式戦、各種大会のジャッジメントについて解説や見解の動画も配信予定です。


  • 野球審判員のための審判技術講習会や勉強会の開催
  • 各野球団体への審判インストラクター派遣
  • 学童野球選手や指導員、父兄向け野球ルール/マナー教室
  • 野球審判技術や規則に関する書籍の監修
  • 野球審判技術や規則の調査研究
  • アメリカ他、諸外国との審判に関する国際交流
  • 野球審判関連の情報発信
  • 野球審判用具の開発、普及、販売


To join the online training, you need to subscribe to the paid monthly membership.

**Monthly Subscription:** ¥1,100/month
**Operated by:** Catenacia
**Video Distribution by:** UTA
You will receive an email with the URL for a baseball umpire training video approximately every 15 days.

**Payment Information:**

**Important Notes**

✓ Please ensure that you can receive emails from the “” domain.
✓ Please note that we cannot provide refunds for mid-term cancellations.

UTA (Umpire Training Association) is dedicated to promoting the profession and appeal of umpiring through baseball umpire skills lectures, workshops, training video distribution, and the sale of umpire equipment. We also plan to distribute videos that explain and provide insights into judgments made in official games and various tournaments, both professional and amateur, in the United States and Japan.

– Baseball umpire training videos will be emailed approximately every 15 days. Additionally, we will occasionally provide explanations of cases involving plays, judgments, rules, and umpire movements during the professional baseball seasons in Japan and the U.S.
– Payment can be made via PayPal using a credit card or bank transfer.
– Please refer to the list below for accepted credit cards and bank transfers.
– Receipts will not be issued.
– The first month’s fee will be charged immediately upon joining. Subsequent monthly fees will be charged one month after the PayPal registration date.
– Please ensure to complete the cancellation process by the end of the month if you wish to unsubscribe. If you miss the end-of-month deadline, the fee for the following month will be automatically charged.

**Cancellation and Unsubscribing:**
– To cancel, please follow the unsubscribe URL at the end of each distribution email.
– Ensure to complete the cancellation process by the end of the month. If you miss the end-of-month deadline, the fee for the following month will be automatically charged.
– It may take some time for changes to reflect in the distribution system. You might still receive messages after completing the cancellation process, but this will not affect the cancellation. Thank you for your understanding.